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work shops - iconpainters

church Saint Nikolaus in KalivianiIn Kaliviani you can find some icon painters.
With a bit of luck you can meet them personal. Maybe it will end with a short tour in our church with its wonderful icons and wall paintings. Niko Gianakakis creates icons for more than 40 years already and does wall painting too. He teaches drawing and has a school on his own.
Kirsten Voss makes handmade copies of Byzantine Icons in traditional way. Her exhibition is in her my home and studiohouse in the centre of Kaliviani. She offers Icons on demand as well as some ready to give away. Also she can help you to find the right motive for your personal icon because she has a lot of old icon books.

Niko Giannakakis wallpainter

Niko Gianakakis Website

icon slide show

slideshow iconpainting: scenes of the bible

icon painter Kirsten Voss

Icon workshop in english, greek, italian and german.
- Icons on demand -

Byzantine icon history

only in german language aviable. More about details of icon painting.

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