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Beaches - by car - general
beach and childrenGet started from Kaliviani there are plenty of wonderful beaches easy to reach by car or bus. Most wanted are sandy beaches, but honestly, if the weather is windy, sand turns to unpleasant feelings between the teeth. Who looks for sandblast peeling - go for it on a stormy day.
My good advice is to go to a stony beach if it is too windy. Nevertheless you can weigh down the blanket on a day like that. Don’t underestimate the waves - especially when you still can stand in the sea and you think you’re safe, the undertow may be very strong. Then you lost the contact to the ground and the orientation too - struggling for a breath and already the next wave is coming... please be careful on windy days!

One indication for naturists: The Greeks still don’t like it. Somehow they tolerates it, but please be aware that also residents together with their children wants to go to the beach. In the worse case they stop going for a swim with the kids. Honestly, you don’t want to be the reason for that?beach live

Another observation: German, and i think also English people are looking for a a place at the beach separated from other guests not to disturb them in their private atmosphere. Greek people are the opposite and tries to come near as possible to the place you have choose at the beach because separating seems to be impolite or even rude to them. For me the different behaviours seem to be quiet funny!

waterPlease think about to take with you a bottle of sweet water. Not only to drink but for a shower! Some beaches do not have showers and it is very comfortable to wash the face after a swim in the salty sea with sweet water.

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