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Culture - orthodox celebration - PentecostPentecost icon, crete school
The orthodox Pentecost date is always celebrated 8 weeks afterward orthodox Eastern.
Friday night and Saturday morning before Pentecost the churches celebrate for all the dead. Little cookies are shared and also the “Koliwa”. This is made of swelled, cooked wheat with almonds, walnuts, cinnamon and sugar, sometime the housewives, who made all that, give also pomegranate and parsley into it. This food is transported in big bowls, decorated with a thick layer of powder sugar and silver sugar pearls. After the celebration it will be shared among the people, filled in little paper bags and given with a plastic spoon. It taste is lovely and full of live energy power.
At Pentecost Sunday, the main Pentecost day, the Greeks celebrate the spread of the Holy Spirit. At the Icon for this day you can see Jesus with his body of followers sitting together in a circle. Above their heads, from heaven,  falling down burning tongues – symbol for common language of salvation. The body of followers – once fishermen and workmen – from now on preaches the message of the Holy Spirit.

Like Eastern Monday, the Pentecost Monday is not a complete holiday. Schools have day off, busses and other timetables goes like Sunday, but the shops are open as well like services and companies. In the churches are still celebrations made. The main Icon of this day is the Holy Trinity (the “Agia Triada”), will say the Holy Spirit, Holy Father and Holy Son. Churches with this name celebrate even a bit more than the others.

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